Infant Baptism Debate Seeks Baptists
Herb Kraker of Dialogos Studies is in need of Baptists, or at least Baptists learned enough to discuss the covenental aspects of baptism as it relates or doesn't relate to infants:
At first glance the New Testament would appear to teach believer's baptism. The "believe and be baptized" passages seem quite clear. However, closer examination of the Scriptures open up the possibility that baptism could well be the sign of the Abrahamic covenant. Currently, that is the direction the evidence in the examination is pointing.
Is infant baptism in fact the Scriptural form? Is this correct?
More input is needed from Baptists to further test this material to see if it can stand the test.
As Always be charitable when visiting others. Refrain from going in with bible guns blazing and shooting from the hip. This is a serious debate, so please download the papers and provide a well reasoned response.
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Source: Infant Baptism - Current Status of the Debate
At first glance the New Testament would appear to teach believer's baptism. The "believe and be baptized" passages seem quite clear. However, closer examination of the Scriptures open up the possibility that baptism could well be the sign of the Abrahamic covenant. Currently, that is the direction the evidence in the examination is pointing.
Is infant baptism in fact the Scriptural form? Is this correct?
More input is needed from Baptists to further test this material to see if it can stand the test.
As Always be charitable when visiting others. Refrain from going in with bible guns blazing and shooting from the hip. This is a serious debate, so please download the papers and provide a well reasoned response.
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Rebaptism: Is A Need for Rebaptism Biblical?
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Source: Infant Baptism - Current Status of the Debate
I've found this to be an interesting topic and one I'm interested in. What I've found is that my roots in this discussion are largely traditional and don't come from a fullness of the scriptures. But I'm working on that.
Where does it say that babies should be baptized in the New Testament?
The quote in italics above is from Herb Kraker, so I suggest you pose your question to him.
As for myself, I'm a main stream Christian and consent to the constant teaching of the universal Church established by Christ that infants (babies) are to be baptized. Between Paul's exhortation that baptism is the new circumcision (8 days after birth) and Christ's exhortation not to prevent children from coming to him, I find sufficient scriptural support for the long standing teaching and practice of most Christians.
You may prefer to follow the unbiblical tradition of man that everything you believe must be based in the New Testament. That's your choice. Enjoy Mere Christianity and your time in the small hallway of Christianity.
God bless...
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